Friday, October 12, 2007

A Call for Ethical and Unprejudiced Leadership and Practice in the Field

A Call for Ethical and Unprejudiced Leadership and Practice in the Field of Psychology

An Autism & Mental Health Community Letter
October 10, 2007

This letter is to the American Psychological Association (hereafter referred to as APA), and to all professionals in the field of psychology. This letter calls upon APA and professionals who adhere to the APA Code of Ethics to act in a manner that is ethical and consistent with that Code of Ethics. Two recent APA documents are relevant to this call to action. They are, the 2006 "Resolution Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or punishment" (hereafter referred to as 2006 Resolution), and the 2007 "Reaffirmation of the American Psychological Association Position Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and Its Application to Individuals Defined in the United States Code as "Enemy Combatants"" (hereafter referred to as 2007 Resolution). With fervor, we are advocating for people with autism, developmental differences, and mental health challenges; urgently entreating that they may be given the same respect with regard to human rights as alleged "Enemy Combatants," or any other human beings. As professionals who adhere to the APA Code of Ethics, nothing less than an unprejudiced stance in this matter should be considered acceptable.

Currently, children and young adults with autism, developmental differences, and mental health challenges are being treated in a manner that clearly meets the definition of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as defined by the two previously mentioned APA documents. The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center (hereafter referred to as JRC) in Massachusetts has a long history of using electric shock, food deprivation and prolonged mechanical restraint, as well as other painful and dehumanizing aversive techniques.

The use of the phrase "effective treatment," does not make such techniques humane or acceptable. Furthermore, attempting to justify them as "treatments" of "last resort" may not be completely accurate. It has been clearly demonstrated that positive behavioral approaches, based on a careful analysis of the functions dangerous or disruptive behaviors may be serving are as effective and more enduring than behavior change techniques based on pain and fear. JRC uses a device that they call the Graduated Electronic Decelerator (GED), to deliver painful electric shocks. Reporters, legislators and others who have experienced the 2-second shock from this device describe it as incredibly painful. A report from the New York State Educational Department noted that JRC was not only using electric shock for dangerous and self-injurious behaviors but also for behaviors that are benign or idiosyncratic such as "nagging, swearing and failure to maintain a neat appearance," or "slouching in a chair." The director of the Judge Rotenberg Center testified at a legislative hearing that one student received 5,300 electric shocks in one day. In his testimony, he stated that over a 24-hour period, this student, a teenager who weighed only 52 pounds, was subjected to an average of one shock every 16 seconds. During some periods, the student was automatically shocked every second if he lifted his hand off a paddle. A copy of the New York State Report can be found here: and a myriad of additional information on the school and its practices can be found by googling the Judge Rotenberg Center.

Proponents of behaviorism have voiced their opposition to these practices. Although the Director of the Judge Rotenberg Center often defends his practices by stating that he was trained by B. F. Skinner, Dr. Skinner made it very clear that he did not condone such practices. At the age of 83, he was interviewed by Daniel Goleman of the New York Times. In an article published August 25th, 1987, titled, "Embattled Giant Of Psychology Speaks His Mind," his view is stated.

“The use of punishment is another issue Dr. Skinner still feels impassioned about. He is an ardent opponent of the use of punishment, such as spanking, or using ''aversives'' -such as pinches and shocks - with autistic children. ''What's wrong with punishments is that they work immediately, but give no long-term results,'' Dr. Skinner said. ''The responses to punishment are either the urge to escape, to counterattack or a stubborn apathy. These are the bad effects you get in prisons or schools, or wherever punishments are used.'' The complete article can be viewed here:

The 1965 experimental research of O. Ivar Lovaas, Benson Schaeffer, and James Q. Simmons, conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, concluded that electric shock applications did not have enduring effectiveness. In conclusion, they questioned the need for shocking children with Autism by stating, “A basic question, then, is whether it is necessary to employ shock in accomplishing such an end or whether less drastic methods might suffice.” (Journal Of Experimental Research in Personality 1, 99-109 (1965))

A recent Mother Jones article about this institution began like this, “Rob Santana awoke terrified. He'd had that dream again, the one where silver wires ran under his shirt and into his pants, connecting to electrodes attached to his limbs and torso. Adults armed with surveillance cameras and remote-control activators watched his every move. One press of a button, and there was no telling where the shock would hit—his arm or leg or, worse, his stomach. All Rob knew was that the pain would be intense.”(Mother Jones, August 20, 2007). A horror from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal? No, torture carried out in the name of treatment, right here in the State of Massachusetts, against the most vulnerable of our young people -- and designed and implemented by Psychologists.

It is additionally noted that programs that are built around scientific knowledge and principles will generally welcome peer review and a continual improvement process. Currently and historically, JRC practices are remarkably deficient in these areas. As leaders in the field of psychology, and as professionals who are intolerant of torture, APA has an opportunity, if not an obligation, to demonstrate leadership in this matter. Please consider the following facts and arguments.

Section 1 of the American Psychological Association Code of Ethics, creates a standard of excellence in regards to the personal accountability of psychologists to their Code of Ethics. It also establishes a means for resolving professional ethical issues between psychologists and with organizations with which Psychologists may be affiliated.

Sub-Section 1.05 of the Code of Ethics covers the topic of Reporting Ethical Violations. This sub-section related to reporting, places a grave responsibility upon APA members to report apparent ethical violations that have "substantially harmed or are likely to substantially harm a person or organization." This reporting "may include referral to state or national committees on professional ethics, to state licensing boards, or to the appropriate institutional authorities."

Within the 2007 Reaffirmation, reference is made to the 2006 Resolution, stating emphatically that it is "a comprehensive and foundational position applicable to all individuals, in all settings and in all contexts without exception." We are in agreement with this position.

We are pleading with APA psychologists, and all psychologists who independently and voluntarily follow the APA Code of Ethics, to consider that the 2006 Resolution is inclusive of all human beings. We ask that it be applied toward those who are receiving treatment/services related to symptoms associated with autism, developmental differences, and mental health challenges, including such that may cause or contribute to self-injurious behavior. This letter is an earnest appeal to APA leadership and all professionals in the field of psychology to demonstrate ethical practices and adhere to the principles of the 2006 Resolution and the 2007 Reaffirmation in opposing the use of skin-shock and food deprivation that are currently being administered as "treatment" for self-injurious behavior, aggressive behavior, and other behaviors that are being considered as precursors. Skin-shock or food deprivation under any other context, or being administered to any other population segment would be considered an inhumane form of punishment that in reality is truly torture. According to the 2006 Resolution, there can be no exception for this type of degrading treatment.

Although there are some within this mental health population segment who are able to communicate how they have been "substantially harmed by a person or organization," there are many others who are unable to do so. Even those young people with the ability to communicate how they are being harmed are virtually unheard. Regardless of the individual’s ability to communicate and describe torture and its physical, mental and emotional effect upon them, this type of "treatment," is still inherently wrong. Is it not the responsibility of a professional or any human being to take action when they personally are aware of acts that are inhumane and degrading forms of torture?

At the JRC this "treatment" is being authorized under court order. While Judges may have extensive expertise within the framework of law, they are reliant upon the testimony of experts (in these cases, Psychologists) to assist them in making decisions. Experts within the field of psychology need to see an example of leadership from organizations such as APA. Good leadership provides guidance and constraints in all areas that are conducive to professionalism and best practices.

In conclusion, we are respectfully appealing to APA members and leadership on the basis of professionalism and unprejudiced application of your own code of ethics, and consistent with your 2006 Resolution and 2007 Reaffirmation, to formally and specifically declare your position regarding the use of skin-shock "treatments," food deprivation, and any other aversives that inflict pain or deprive basic human rights at JRC or elsewhere. We are calling upon APA members to apply the Code which condemns the treatment that is currently taking place at JRC.

We respectfully request that the APA send this letter to its members, post it on their website and/or publish it in a newsletter or other publication that reaches its full membership. We request that the APA as a professional organization, and as professional individuals actively and vociferously advocate for best practices while opposing that which is torture. We furthermore request that the APA, as an organization, make a formal and specific declaration of its stance in this matter and exercise appropriate discipline, thereby demonstrating that the Code of Ethics will be applied without prejudice. Your example in this will be a voice of hope for those who have been locked away, subjected to daily torture and unseen and unheard for too long.

Written and Presented by:

Derrick Jeffries

Person with Asperger’s Syndrome

Nancy Weiss

Co-Director, The National Leadership Consortium on Developmental Disabilities, Center for

Disabilities Studies, University of Delaware

The following individuals and organizations endorse this message:

To be added to this list, please submit your name and/or the name of your organization to . Individual submittals should include an identifying title, such as parent, person with autism, Ph.D., concerned citizen, etc. For organizations, information must be submitted by an officer of the organization. Posting this letter on websites is encouraged; however, we do ask that you send us an e-mail address where updated copies can be received. It is our intent to update this section of the letter on a monthly basis for a reasonable length of time. Updated copies will also be sent to the APA.

For those interested in contacting APA directly, please consider sending mail or e-mail to:

Lynn F. Bufka, Ph.D.
Assistant Executive Director, Practice Research and Policy
American Psychological Association
750 First St., NE
Washington, DC 20002



Susan said...

When a person behaves in a way that is contrary to the the norm and is forced by torture to behave according to the norm, can we we really value the new behavior? I understand the parent who looks at her child and feels helpless to provide what they need to help them. Professionals can easily convince a desperate parent that they know best and that torturing their child is in their best interests. Parents need more supports so that the invitation to torture a child into submission isn't ever chosen.

KateGladstone said...

Please permit me to leave here the same comment I'll send with my petition signature.

On December 18th, 2007, the BOSTON GLOBE revealed that staff at Judge Rothenberg gave two young men 106 electrical shocks (77 shocks to one student and 29 shocks to another) on telephoned orders from a prankster: a former resident of the Center, posing as one of the supervisors.

The staff did not question the call because, apparently, Center supervisors can indeed just phone in an order to deliver dozens of lengthy electrical shocks to any student or

The GLOBE further reports that Massachusetts state officials know the identity of the prankster but have chosen not to arrest him. They have
also not released the identity of the staffer who accepted the phone-call and administered the shocks.

What kind of "training," what "supervision" or "aid" of any kind, can a place claim to provide when its "helping professionals" routinely dish out electrical shocks by the dozen — even on phoned-in orders from a prankster?
       At what kind of "school" or "home" can someone just call up the staff and order 106 electric shocks as easily as calling Pizza Hut and
ordering a double pepperoni?

Links for above-cited BOSTON GLOBE report:

Kate Gladstone
educator; person with Asperger's; person with learning disabilities; person with ADHD

KateGladstone said...

Derrick — if you REALLY want to zap Rotenberg, ask the Walt Disney company ( whether Rotenberg has permission to use Disney characters in its huge murals. (You'll need to give Disney a link to the Rotenberg web-site photograph[s] clearly showing the murals.)

Disney comes down VERY hard on businesses that use Disney characters without permission: particularly when the business has a reputation that Disney doesn't want to associate itself with. (So also show Disney the most damning newspaper coverage of Rotenberg you can find. This should all go to Disney's legal/permissions people, with "cc"s to their public-relations people and "cc"s to everyone on the Board of Directors — all Board member names appear at )

My computer has started acting up, so just now I can't use e-mail (or I would have found and e-mailed you the needed addresses for this), but you can do the necessary "Disney digging" on your own through their web-site at — in the site's search-box, enter the word "corporate" and follow what comes up

Speaking of computers going down — since Rotenberg students take their lessons via computer can you check with any former Rotenberg employee to find out whether Rotenberg punishes students when they can't push the right buttons because the computer has a problem and won't respond? From everything I know about the school's extreme behaviorist approach, to me it seems very likely that the school *would* do exactly that. If this proves true — if you can indeed document that Rotenberg has electrocuted students because their computers froze or crashed — you will have the outraged attention of everyone, anywhere ,who has ever had a computer problem.

Other things to ask about:

/1/ elsewhere on the Net, some ex-employees/ex-students of Rothenberg have referred obliquely to a special torture procedure called "probing": no details have surfaced, but apparently Dr. Israel does this "probing" thing alone with the student in his office (when he thinks the student has done something extra-specially bad). If you have contacts with a former employee, it seems worth asking about htis

/2/ as you know, some of the reports on Rotenberg have disclosed that the shockers and remote controls frequently malfunction and repeatedly zap students who haven't done anything that the school rules would allow a zap for. (This came up near the end of the MOTHER JONES piece on the school.) I wonder (and hope you can find out) what the staff does when they find out that someone has accidentally received a series of zaps in return for good behavior. (Presumably they fix the remote ... but what do they do about the student who has just learned to associate his best behavior with severe punishment? You cannot, after all, "un-electrocute" somebody.)

Victory_Predestined said...

What drives me crazy is that this same state is considering passing a ban that disallows spanking of children... but shock therapy is okay??

Victory_Predestined said...

What drives me crazy is that this same state that's considering banning spanking and other forms of corporal punishment has somehow deemed this acceptable.

KateGladstone said...

Worse than that — in addition to shocking the students, Rotenberg also lends out the shockers to students' parents if the student has earned a visit home and the parents think a shocker would come in handy.

Several investigations of the school has documented this fact, which school staff have also admitted to because they consider it a "plus" to help parents maintain students' training during time away from school.

So, if Massachusetts passes the no-spanking bill and vetoes the no-aversives bill, the state will have painted itself into a very nasty legal and ethical corner ... and will probably become the laughingstock of the rest of the nation (and the rest of the planet).

Susan said...

I've copied these comments over to my newer blog - should you like to continue the conversation there.